Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Shack attack

Kozy shack's on sale 2 for $5 at Safeway.

In other news, it was another good time at the short track last night. Duked it out with Slaven, some kiwi, and Molly for awhile, then Slaven tailed off (something about too many broken legs in one summer) and I took it over Molly and Tuckerman. And Ping Pong's crank fell off. Again.

And check out my race report from the Vancouver crit over on Dean's blog. I, um, wrote it from Dean's perspective and then posted it on his blog, but it's so detailed that there's things I don't even remember happening. Anyway, if you want to know how it went down, check it out voodoomadness.blogspot.com

Peace out

hey "shannon",
you forgot to mention how you got stung in the head before the race and then went to bed and woke up looking like a mongloid. Is that PC? didn't think so...
It's probably okay as long as you spell it wrong.
just read the last month's worth of toovanilla cuz I've been slacking...glad to hear ping pong's bike is in the same shape as when I left. I'm also going to take the time to shamelessly plug my blog for you BG folk. joesroad.blogspot.com, I'm trying to update often
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