Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Calf-off results

Ok, voting has officially ended, now that I decided to update the blog. We'll start in order from 5th place to 1st place.

5th place: photo 5
The anonymous "M. Cardinal" turned out to be none other than the Bike Gallery's very own Matt Cardinal. Check out the story on him on Also congratulate him because something exciting happened, but I'll let him tell you himself. 0 votes

4th place: photo 4
I guess I was wrong, I don't have the most ripped calves out of all my co-workers. 1 vote

3rd place: photo 2
Dean Tracy combines his incredible sprinting prowess with his incredible bone breaking prowess (rib, sternum, and what appears to be a broken ankle in the photo) to take home an honorable 3rd place, especially considering he was injured leading up to the competition. 4.5 votes (I split votes in half when it wasn't perfectly clear who the person voted for)

2nd place: photo 3
I think Slaven scared off some people with how disgusting his calf really was. I mean, the calf had a calf of it's own. That's weird. Nevertheless, he took home 4 full votes and two halfsies.

1st place: photo 1
I think a lot of people voted for Elizabeth's calves simply because she's a girl, but what they didn't know is that these are actually Ping Pong's calves. That's right, the slowest, most Asian of all my co-workers took home the prize with 5.5 votes. He swears he doesn't know who "fake girlfriend" is.

See? And you guys thought one vote wouldn't make a difference

i propose a stache-off. and a tan line-off. maybe a karaoke-off. or an eat-off.
How about a drink off?
I'd win all those.
zero votes... I couldn't even get ME to vote for my little legs. There MUST have been some technical camera problems that somehow made my legs look like I "should take up horse riding" While Slaven's looked like the gas tank on a 750 gsx-r. wide-angle? shutter malfunction? c'mon, OOh oh! F-stops were all off!!
have you people seen real Japanese karaoke offs? they are nuts. karaoke is nuts.
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i've seen american idol...

it doesn't get any more karaoke than that...
actually, it really does. I live in Tokyo, and my classmates are nuts. Japanese television has karaoke contests sometimes. it is ridiculous. congrats to Elizabeth too.
Thanks Peter, but those really aren't my calves.
you need to update this blog more often. What are bored people at work to do? I thought you were going to say Peace Out or pull a Todd Wells and say, "I wonder what Ping Pong is doing right now..." at the end of your posts....
Suffrin' Succotash... I would NEVER choose a web hosting service that had a mispelling in the ad, on a private blog comment box. That's di-SPIC-able!
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